Slideshows are becoming a staple part of most websites these days, and thanks in a large part to jquery the simple ones are now very straightforward to build. However slideshows that feature more complicated transitions are still difficult. This slideshow is a slight evolution on one that was originally written for Sassoon a couple of years ago, and most recently it has been used on Land Instruments.
The controls below left allow for different settings to be changed while the slideshow is running.
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Quisque a felis eget neque auctor varius a sed erat. Proin non massa at nisi suscipit semper ut in diam.
More often than not slideshows are very simple and just use a quick sliding or fading transition. I have written a lot of these for many clients, including:
Gatwick Airport | Sassoon | European Club Association | Appscare | Aggregate industries | B&Q Sliding Doors | Procter & Gamble